
Guide To Wedding Tuxedos

Guide To Wedding Tuxedos

A bride picking out her wedding dress is an unforgettable experience during the wedding planning process. On the other hand, a groom should treat it with the same respect when picking out their wedding tuxedo. In order to pick the best tuxedo, we’ll be breaking down our guide to wedding tuxedos that grooms should follow.

Wedding Tuxedo Colors & Themes

When picking out the tuxedo color you should go with the color of the bride’s dress. It’s best to talk it over with your significant other to settle the main color and theme. If need be, then go with the traditional black and white tuxedo to keep things traditional. It’s a nice option that has stood the test of time. Other nice color options for tuxedos include cream white, royal blue, red velvet, silver and dark gray. All of these colors are stunning colors that will wow your bride and guests. Overall, be sure to try on different colored tuxedos to see what looks best. Some colors might compliment your style while others might be the opposite.

Set Your Budget

The second tip in this guide to wedding tuxedos is to set your budget. Set a budget for everything including the wedding dress and tuxedo. Wedding tuxedos can be very costly so think about every option before settling on anything. Renting your wedding tuxedo is one way to cut costs. Purchasing your wedding tuxedo can be very expensive. In many cases, the bride & groom only wear their dress & tuxedo once on their wedding day. Only purchase the wedding tuxedo if you want to keep a special memory from your wedding day.

Picking A Wedding Boutonnière

The boutonnière is a floral decoration that is pinned on the lapel of a wedding tuxedo or suit. It’s usually just one flower that eloquently complements the wedding tuxedo. In a guide to wedding tuxedos, these boutonnières are extremely important to your wedding day. The boutonnière should be the same color as the wedding color and theme. It should also be the same type of flower as the main wedding flower. Typically, the main wedding flower is decorated as a centerpiece for every table during the reception. Be sure to accompany the boutonnière with the corsage for the wedding day.

Types Of Wedding Tuxedo Shoes

The next tip in this guide to wedding tuxedos is to pick out the color of your shoes. Now, shoes can be formal or informal. It all depends on the theme of your wedding. A black suit and tie wedding will not be the same as a wedding that allows sneakers. It’s best to understand what you and your significant other want. So, discuss this with them in order to be on the same page. Regardless of the choice, your shoes should match the color of the wedding color for groomsmen. That color will also determine the color of your tuxedo. If you’re wearing a tuxedo then formal dress shoes are the way to go. If your wedding will allow sneakers then make sure it matches the wedding color for groomsmen.

Types Of Ties

The final tip in our guide to wedding tuxedos is to determine your type of tie. Each type of tie serves a different purpose that provides an elegant look. Bow ties, ascot ties, and neckties are all great options for tuxedos. A bow tie can serve a vintage yet romantic feel to your tuxedo. A regular necktie is a timeless look that gives a sophisticated and professional look. An ascot tie is by far the most stylish tie available for tuxedos. Keep in mind that ascot ties will not work for every tuxedo and person. Be sure to try it on before settling on the ascot tie.

The color of the tie should be the same wedding color for groomsmen. This will follow along with the color of your shoes and tuxedo. If need be then also ask the wedding chapel if they can decorate the chapel with the wedding color. This will maintain the theme of the wedding.